Hello, I found your blog page when searching for info on the Salisbury Mall. And found your page. At any rate, my father use to be the operations manager there. Responsible for maintance of the mall. I remember my father was always on the roof because of leakes. I also remember he getting called out when the SSU girl was killed too.
I hope people are still paying attention to this thread because this is amazing. Does anyone have pictures of the Swiss colony that was across from the original McCroy’s, I think near the movie theater.
Hello, I found your blog page when searching for info on the Salisbury Mall. And found your page. At any rate, my father use to be the operations manager there. Responsible for maintance of the mall. I remember my father was always on the roof because of leakes. I also remember he getting called out when the SSU girl was killed too.
You can email me at lori_vanroo@yahoo.com
Guess I'm not to cumputer savy.
How do I post pictures here?
I spent 21+ years in Salisbury Mall.
My family had the Orange Julius at center court.
I hope people are still paying attention to this thread because this is amazing. Does anyone have pictures of the Swiss colony that was across from the original McCroy’s, I think near the movie theater.
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